The “Dream” and the “Dream Come True!”

It is hard to believe that our AAW family has been gathering together for a year! At the beginning of 2021, All Are Worthy was still just a dream. By May, we were a legal/registered organization with the state and by October we were an official 501c3 non-profit raising funds and ready to gather teenagers!

Since our very first gathering in September, we have continued to grow in size, in relationships with one another, in service for our community, in our individual walks with Jesus and in our love for ALL people around the world!

It has been incredible to look back at the original business plan that was created in very beginning stages and compare it to our most recent Annual Report to see how far we have come. All Are Worthy is truly a “Dream Come True” and I am so excited to share in this with you!

Check out the original business plan (“The Dream”) below:

Then check out our 2021 AAW Annual Report (“The Dream Come True”) here:

What an incredible first year of ministry it has been! Excited to see where the Lord takes us in the coming year!