Nov 21, 2023
Mental Health is something that is often overlooked in our society. We at All Are Worthy believe that taking care of your mental health is not only very important, but should be done frequently. We have started to dedicate one gathering a month for our kids to have a...
Jul 19, 2023
All Are Worthy is focused on impacting our youth to become leaders and influential role models to the people of their generation. In order to do so, they must first learn to appreciate and care for themselves. Our group made envelopes filled with words of...
Jul 18, 2023
All Are Worthy recently held a fundraiser dinner at the Blount County Library. It was so beneficial not only for the kids to get an experience like this, but also gave people from our community a chance to meet and interact with the students. We are appreciative all...
Jun 15, 2023
During Easter, we did our annual scavenger hunt. We dyed eggs, wrote words that negatively affect our world, made a small skit, washed each other’s hands, made words of encouragement for strangers and made crosses from nails and string. We wanted to read through the...
May 30, 2023
It is the end of the year! We are so proud of our kids and what they have accomplished this semester and we are so excited to share what they have done! However, we would like to show how creative are kids are at dressing up for the prom. Here goes some of our...